Why should you do your internship with IAESTE France GA?
- We provide paid internship opportunities. Remuneration is computed to cover rent, food and transport on site. Travel expenses (e.g. plane tickets to the place of the internship) are not covered by IAESTE.
- We help you with the administrative formalities (visa, work permit…) and in the search for accommodation in the country.
- We organize different activities during the internship so that you can discover the country, its culture and its people. This will provide you with an exceptional intercultural experience. These can be weekends*, day trips, weekend meetings… It all depends on the country and the city of the internship!
Any student enrolled in a French institution of higher education can apply for an internship through our association.
*Weekend IAESTE: Some countries organise events throughout the weekend for IAESTE trainees to meet each other. Mainly in Europe, there are dozens of weekends organised during the summer!
What kind of internships are offered?
The duration of the internships is between 6 weeks and 1 year. Internships are intended for students in science, management and applied arts, undergraduate and graduate students. The internships offered also correspond to 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of french engineering school internships (from Bac+3 to Bac+5).
At IAESTE we have three types of internship offers. The most common are COBE (Continuous On-line Based Exchange) and FCFS (First Come First Served) offers. Some of them are available on our dedicated page, open to everyone. The remaining offers are hosted on our exchange platform which is open to our adherents only. You must be an adherent to apply for the COBE and FCFS offers.
There are also AC (Annual Conference) offers, which arrive at the beginning of the year (January-February) and are the result of an exchange at our annual conference. These offers are exclusively reserved for France! They are published on our website as well as on our social networks. Their particularity is that there is no need to be a member to apply.
In all cases, membership is necessary for the application to be forwarded to the employer.
Why become an adherent?
Becoming an adherent of IAESTE France Grenoble Alpes offers many perks:
- Access to our exchange platform where all the internship offers of our network are listed, as well as to be able to apply for them;
- Participate in activities and afterworks in the Grenoble region;
- To have a follow-up for the administrative steps necessary for the realization of the internship;
- Have a personalised tutor for the whole process (from the application to the completion of the traineeship);
- Be part of the IAESTE global network.
To become an adherent also means to support our association and to fund its existence.
How to become an adherent?
The membership to our association is paying, details of which can be found in the links below.
If you wish to join, please choose one of the 3 payment methods below. It is possible to pay by cheque, bank transfer or credit card.
- By cheque:
- Order: “IAESTE France Grenoble Alpes”
- Address for sending the cheque:
IAESTE France Grenoble Alpes
Bâtiment EVE
701 Avenue Centrale
38400 Saint Martin d’Hères
- By bank transfer: please contact us, we will send you our RIB/IBAN by email.
- By credit card (via Hello Asso):
As soon as we receive payment or proof of payment for your membership, we will send you the link to the platform and we can start helping you in your internship search.
For information, if you get an internship afterwards thanks to our association, we will ask you for 65€ of operating costs, which will help us to pay the administrative fees we have, as well as a deposit of 90€.
Exemption from membership and internship fees
It is possible to not pay membership and internship fees. To do so, you must bring us a viable internship offer to propose to our network.
Our association is based on a principle of mutual exchange. In the best of cases, for every student from France who goes abroad, we should have an internship in France for a foreign student. This is why we are actively looking for internship offers on French territory.
So if you have contacts with companies or laboratories thanks to your family, your friends, your teachers… You can tell them about our association (we can provide you with presentation documents if necessary). If you bring us an interesting and viable offer, you will be exempted from all the above-mentioned fees.
For the offer to be valid and accepted by our association, it must comply with the following conditions:
- Be in one of the fields of study we cover (list available here);
- It must be paid;
- Its duration must be between 6 weeks and 1 year;
- It must be exclusive to IAESTE so that foreign candidates do not find themselves in competition with French students.
If you need further information or presentation material, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Student Testimonials